Monday, November 29, 2010

Simple techniques to build backlinks to your website

Building backlinks can be troublesome for many website owners if they don't have the prior knowledge or opt for paid packages. Your website needs backlinks in order to rank well within search engines like Google which makes it an important element of every website owner’s day to build links.

This article explores various (simple) methods you can start using today to build links back to your website.

1) Write articles

Writing articles, such as this one here, is a fantastic way to build backlinks. After each new article, submit them to article directories or other websites with a link back to your main site - that's a backlink!

2) Comment on blogs

Although blogs have a mixture of no follow and do follow coding (which determines how weighted a link will be), commenting on blogs is a simple process of leaving information, your name and a link back to your own website.

3) Guest blog

If you know someone within your niche with a blog, go ahead and ask them if you could write a guest post for them. Not only can you expose yourself to a new community but blog owners will let you link back to your own website or blog within the post.

4) Ask for them!

Surprisingly enough, you can go to the extent of asking other websites to link to you. If you have a well enough connection to a fellow website owner, you may be able to exchange links or even get a one-way backlink just for being good to them.

5) Create a video

There are dozens of video websites around the web; all you need to do is create a few set of videos related to your content, place a link within the description and you'll be building backlinks in no time. As a bonus, if your video gets picked up on other websites, website owners may include a link within the content as well!

6) Use social bookmarking sites

Social bookmarking sites allow people to find content around the web without having to hunt it down. Either submitting your own articles or having others do it for you, each additional content piece that goes onto social bookmarking sites will link back to your website.

7) Post on forums

Finally, chances are your niche has a forum. Forums are a hot-bed of conversation and in terms of building links, they're a goldmine. All you have to do is participate in forums, place a link in your signature and each new response you craft will be another link back to your site.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Become A Successful eBay Seller

Selling some stuff is not easy especially if you are a beginner. You will have some doubts that will lead to questioning of your capabilities to succeed in this field. Before you lead yourself to that situation you must read this first so that it will guide you on how to become a good eBay seller.
Here is the document that teaches you some strategies in eBay selling. Hope this can give you a little insight on what you must and must not do.

Ebay Sell

Freelance: A Hardworker's Method

Did you ask yourself "Is the money coming into my bank account after the payday of you regular work is enough? Are you secure with the current company?" If the answer is a big 'NO', then you must find ways to compensate yourself the way you wanted to and that is through freelance.

Freelance is the way where you work without any long-term particular employer. If you are a good writer then you can offer some of your articles to some employers who needs it and be compensated for doing so. Freelance jobs are not like the regular 5 days a week,8 hours a day work where you go to the office, listen to your manager every now and then but still got a fix amount of money for that. With freelance you have the flexibility and freedom to do the task when and where you like to do it and the earning potential is not bound to the fix amount. If you are really a hard worker with the right talent and attitude you can earn a lot from this kind of work.

There are many freelance market websites today that offers a way to the employer and freelancer to connect to each other and facilitates on how the work will be done they serves like a middle-man in real-world trading. Some of the website I am talking about are: oDesk,RentaCoder,eLance and others. This sites will charge a percentage from your work's income, that's a win-win situation for you and the site you are a member of.

There is no secret way to earn through this, it is just plain hard work and proper communication with the employer to build your profile as a good freelancer that can entice other employers to choose you to do the work for them. Remember that popularity and hardwork is the key to success in this earning money online method.

If you like this article please feel free to subscribe to my blog.

How to Build A Simple Website

If you want to build your own website for the purpose of earning money online or for other reasons you came to the right place.
So How to build a website?
In building your own website you must follow this steps:

Planning. In this stage you must know what your website will contain and what it is all about. After deciding what your website will contain then it is time to plan what will your website looks like. In this stage you can go see some of the website available in the internet and learn from it to conceptualize what you really wants. Planning include deciding how musch you are willing to spend for your website. This should be done carefully as one of the reasons that some website failed is that the website owner didn't plan to fail to they FAILED to PLAN.

Choosing your Domain Name. Choose your Domain Name carefully, it should be as short as posible where the visitors/surfers can easily remember and it should be related to the topic of the website.

Choosing the Web Host. This is also crucial in building your website as this will determine how musch space your site can have and how much bandwidth your website can handle.

Tips: Some Web Hosting Comapny Offers free Domain Registration.

Creating the Website.
Design the Website's look using HTML/CSS. If you are confident enough that you know this two languages then go ahead and create the website but if you don't know how to design it you can buy some Website template online or you can contact Website Designer to it in a freelance basis.
After Designing the website you must add the functionality for it. How the website would interact with the user/visitors. This can be done by server-side scripting or by client-side scripting. You can do the scripting yourself or can again hire a freelancer. It is your choice depending on your skill and the budget you have for your website.

Uploading the Website to the Web Host Server. Every web host has its own way of uploading their client's website to their server. So there is no specific way to do it, you must contact you web host to provide you information on how to do it.

POOFFF!!! Your website is now up and running.

If you intend to earn from it, you should not stop there. You should do some SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and market your website. I'll discuss how to make some SEO and how to market your website later so stay tuned folks.

Smart Work and Tactics Succeed than Hardwork and Strategies

In a few months of blogging and researching for topics and ways to earn money online I have acquired some valuable information coming from different sources. One of the valuable information I learned is that "NOT all people trying to earn money online succeed!". There are various factors that makes a person's internet venture a failure and here are some of the main reasons:

1. Negativity. Oftentimes people would say that Online Money Making is a hard work and you will never achieve your goal with it. For me, HARD WORK is sitting on a chair doing your 8 hour a day work which you don't like and trying to survive from corporate politics. HARD WORK is sweating your ass off for you employer while they are playing golf! That is hard work. Internet business/job is not hard but it really needs you to work and exert your time and effort. Being so pesimistic event hough you didn't even tried it will not help you grow in any of the ventures you might think of. I never heard of any prominent and successful individual which is pesimistic. Change your outlook in your life first so that success can come to your life, it is also the same with internet money making.

2. Misconception. The idea of Get-Rich-Quick/Earn-Money-Fast is of the mindset of those who are trying to avoid doing the real internet work and almost always leads them to be scammed. If you adopted this kind of mindset you will never succeed online, earning online income is a long process that will need your time and effort. Patience is a virtue, add in also perseverance and you will be successful.

3. Lack Of Planning. Most of those people who failed online is the one that don't have a plan on what to do and directly get into action. Action is good but Action without plan is dumb. Planning is one of the longest process in building a web business and one of the most essential part.

4. Lack Of Focus. Sometimes people tried to do so much that they doesn't have the time to properly do each one of them. If you want to do something so broad break it down to chunks and focus on each chunk one at a time. Losing focus will lead to disaster as this will lead you to the wrong way and may cause you to lose your interest in whatever you do.

5. Laziness. Almost all of the people who failed never put to action whatever they learned. Too much Information and No Action. Even the most brilliant internet idea will never EVER earn if it is not put into action which will require you put in the neccesary work which by the way is not HARD.

6. Lack of Dedication and Perseverance. As the saying goes the Quitter never Wins and the Winner never Quits. Almost all internet ventures and business models never started off as what the owner has planned, those who faced the difficulties and still strived harder and never quitted are those that we can see at the top of the internet budsiness right now. Success needs didication and perseverance.

7. Afraid To Push The Limit. Those who are contented with what they know never really grows in this kind of business/work. Those who just study what they want to learn will not fully materialize their potential. So NEVER STOP learning. Learn the things you found to be difficult and master it, push yourself to be better. Competition is everywhere so you must be ahead from your competitors to be successful.

Those are the most common factors that will make people fail online. So please don't join those people. Start now! If you have those qualities, change it now,QUICK. the internet world will never wait for you.

Ways to Earn Through Your Website

This past few weeks I was trying to found out ways on how to earn from my blog/website, I searched from ebooks to forums,discussion boards and reading articles from other blogs. Then I listed all the information that I got so that I can apply it to my website/blog and also to share it with you who came here to learn new things about earning through the use of information in the internet.

There several methods on how to earn money using the website/blog. Here are some of it:

1. Pay-Per-Click(PPC) is one of the most common way for a website earn money. This method basically means you sign up for a certain PPC program then you put some snippet into your wbesite. This snippets will display the corresponding ads into your website which fits the topic/niche your website have. In this method your earnings will be affected by the traffic brought to your website and most importantly with the CTR(Click Through Rate) and the CPC (Cost Per Click). CTR is the rate of how many times your ads will be clicked by your website visitor and the CPC is the price of the ads displayed on the website for instance the ads for keyword diamonds,insurance,auto insurance and others have higher CPC compared to other keywords about technology some CPC may ranged from couple of cents to couple of dollars. The CTR is also affected with the source of traffic, if the source of trafic is Organic(traffic coming from search engine) has higher tendency that the visitor will cick on the ads while visitors coming from social media will tend to ignore the ads.

There are the most common PPC network:
*Google AdSense
*Yahoo Publisher Network
*ABC Search
*Search Feed
*Miva MC

2. Banner Advertising
This is another way to monetize your website. Selling the adspace proves to be a lucrative way to earn using the website because it will cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leaderboard, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.

There are the most common Banner Avertising Network:

3.Text Link Advertisements
One can sell text links directly through his website or use specialized networks to automate the process.
These are some of the networks:

* Text-Link-Ads
* DigitalPoint Link Sales Forum
* Text-Link-Brokers
* LinkWorth
*Live Customer
*Vibrant Media

4. CPM Advertising Networks

CPM advertising networks is like PPC networks, except that the website owner gets paid according to the number of impressions that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM (Cost per Mille) is the cost for every one thousand impressions.

A blog/website that generates 100,000 page impressions monthly displaying an advertising banner that has a cost $1 per 1 CPM, therefore, will earn $100 monthly.

The rate for CPM varies for each networks and there are also various things that affect it's rate such as the positioning and size of the ads. The better the position for it to be on your website the higher the rate and if the ads are bigger it will also genrate bigger revenue.

List of popular CPM advertising networks:

* Casale Media
* Burst Media
* Value Click
* Tribal Fusion
* Right Media

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very popular way to earn in the internet. This system uses a commission-per-sale way of earning. A merchant let the website (the affiliate website) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. This type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based.

Affiliates can send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews. The drawback for this is that if the visitor doesn't buy anything you'll get nothing even though you have a high traffic it doesn't guarantee that you will earn.

In order to find suitable affiliate programs you can turn to individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook, or join affiliate marketplaces and networks.

There are among the affiliate marketplaces and networks:

* Commission Junction
* ClickBank
* Azoogle Ads
* Link Share
*Azoogle Ads

6. Sponsored Reviews

PayPerPost pioneered this method. You can write articles on a topic required by the advertisers containing some keywords or link that benefits the advertisers and the through this you will be paid.

List of sponsored reviews and paid blogging networks:

* PayPerPost
* Sponsored Reviews
* ReviewMe
* BlogVertise
* Smorty

7. Job Boards
In order to create an active and profitable job board you need first to have a blog focused on a specific niche, and a decent amount traffic.

The advantage of this method is that it is passive. Once you have the structure in place, the job listings will come naturally, and you can charge anywhere from $10 up to $100 for each.
List of popular job board software:

* JobThread
* Web Scribe Job Board
* SimplyHired Job-o-matic
* Jobbex

8. Paid Reviews.
In this method the blogger will put reviews on products or services by a certain merchant and they got paid for the reviews. It is not much but a dollar is still a dollar. Right?

9. Donations.
This is very common to new websites and blogs. The opwner will ask for donation so that they can continue financing the needs of the website like the domain hosting fees and others.

10.Selling your Website
You can earn through selling your website, if your site already has a solid traffic coming in you can sell it for higher price. I am not into this method because why would I sell my site for a one time money if you can earn through it passively?

There you go folks. Those are the most common ways to earn through your website. Hope you learn something in it. If you have other methods in mind please comment it here so that we can update the list.

Huge Websites with Unlimited Incomes

In my other article I have shown the top 30 blogging sites, this is a continuation of that but this is for the website.

All of them are very popular, if you don't know them maybe you are living in a cave. Hehe. But what we don't know is how much they earn. In this list I included how much is theair annual revenue that they indicated in their list of assets.

Here is the list for the top earners in the website business:

Rank-Website - Founder ---Annual Earnings ---Income Per Second

1 Google - Larry Page and Sergey Brin --- $21,800,000,000 --- $691.27
2 Amazon - Jeff Bezos --- $19,166,000,000 --- $607.75
3 Yahoo - Jerry Yang and David Filo --- $7,200,000,000 --- $228.31
4 eBay - Pierre Omidyar --- $6,290,000,000 --- $199.45
5 MSN/Live-Nathan Myhrvold. --- $3,214,000,000 --- $101.92
6 PayPal -Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek,-$2,250,000,000 - $71.35
7 iTunes -Jeff Robbin ----$1,900,000,000 --- $60.25
8 Reuters - Marshal Vace ---$1,892,000,000---- $59.99
9 Priceline -Jesse Fink ----$1,884,000,000---$59.74
10 Expedia - Mark Schroeder --- $1,447,000,000 ---$45.88
11 NetFlix - Reed Hastings --- $1,200,000,000 --- $38.05
12 Travelocity - Terry Jones --- $1,100,000,000 --- $34.88
13 Zappos - Nick Swinmurn --- $1,000,000,000--- $31.71
14 - David Litman --- $1,000,000,000 ---$31.71
15 AOL - Erik Prince ---$968,000,000 ---$30.70
16 Orbitz -Jeff Katz --- $870,000,000 ---$27.59
17 Overstock - Robert Brazell --- $834,000,000--- $26.45
18 MySpace - Tom Anderson --- $800,000,000 -----$25.37
19 Skype - Niklas Zennstrom ---$550,841,000 --- $17.47
20 Sohu - Zhang Chaoyang ---$429,000,000 --- $13.60
21 - Robb Brock ---$400,000,000 ---$12.68
22 StubHub - Eric Baker--- $400,000,000--- $12.68
23 Alibaba - Jack Ma ---$316,000,000--- $10.02
24 Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg --- $300,000,000--- $9.51
25 YouTube-Chad Hurley,Steve Chen&Jawed Karim-$300,000,000-$9.51
26 Blue Nile - Mark Vadon--- $295,000,000 --- $9.35
27 Tripadvisor - Stephen Kaufer ---$260,000,000 --- $8.24
28 Getty Images - Mark Getty --- $233,200,000 ---$7.39
29 Bidz - Garry Itkin ---$207,000,000 ---$6.56
30 NYTimes - Henry Jarvis Raymond --- $175,000,000 --- $5.62

WOW!! Didn't you said that to youself? Billions of dollars!! They earn that in a year, and they are still going strong, we must take a step to replicate what they are doing. Replicate?? Am I dreaming?? Yes I am because it is free to dream for such kind of income but if we really can't achieve it at least can still aim at earning enough money to support our needs like a hundred or thousand of dollars a month. To get this kind of revenue, hard work and patience must first be put into action with our website. Keep on striving WEBMASTERS and someday you shall get there.